Athénée Palace Hilton Bucharest Participates in Hilton Worldwide’s Largest Annual Global Career Initiative

Athénée Palace Hilton Bucharest has taken part in Careers@Hilton Live: Youth in Hospitality Month, Hilton Worldwide’s annual global career event showcasing the many opportunities available in the hospitality industry for young people. Throughout the month of May, Hilton Worldwide hotels and corporate offices around the globe are hosting hundreds of events to inform those looking for employment about the exciting and diverse career opportunities in the hospitality industry. This initiative is a part of Hilton Worldwide’s Open Doors commitment, which aims to positively impact at least one million young people by 2019 and better prepare them to reach their full potential.

Read the entire press release here:

(MEDIAFAX News Agency provides the press release issued ANA HOTELS SA - Athénée Palace Hilton. MEDIAFAX News Agency takes no responsibility for the content of the press releases, and only offers the technical support for their transmission.)


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