"My dear friend Anne Frank" WDR releases new eyewitness reports in Augmented Reality

"My dear friend Anne Frank" WDR releases new eyewitness reports in Augmented Reality

Today, on 12th June, Anne Frank would have been 90 years old. Her diary is regarded as the epitome of a testimony to the traumatic horrors of the Second World War and the crimes against the Jewish people. Learning from history – the German public broadcaster WDR also sees that as one of the most important social tasks and wants to make its contribution. With the innovative app "WDR AR 1933-1945" it is preserving history for posterity. In February the app was published with eye-witness reports from children of the war from London, Leningrad and Cologne. On 12th June with "My dear friend Anne Frank" a further, moving chapter of contemporary history appears in augmented reality within the app.

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