Bucharest Ranks Penultimate In The World On Office Space Utilization Per Workstation - DTZ

Romanian capital city Bucharest ranks penultimate on total space utilization standard per workstation, with an average of 7.8 square meters, in a world classification of DTZ real estate advisor.

13 afișări

In Warsaw, the total space utilization standard per workstation is at 9.6 square meters, in Istanbul at 10.3 square meters, and in Kiev of 9.3 square meters.

Moscow has a similar level as Bucharest, while India’s New Delhi has a total space utilization standard per workstation of 7.6 square meters, according to DTZ’s Global Occupancy Cost Offices report.

In the rest of the world, the total space utilization standard per workstation ranges between 8 square meters, in cities such as Mexico’s’ Cancun and China’s Guangzhou, and 25.5 square meters, in Washington D.C, according to DTZ's report.

According to the annual global office occupancy costs, Bucharest is up five positions on the 92nd place, among the most expensive 114 cities worldwide by annual global office occupancy costs, with EUR3,540 per year.

According to the annual global office occupancy costs per workstation by location in Central and Eastern Europe, Bucharest ranked penultimate, after Moscow, Kiev, Warsaw and Prague, but above Budapest.

Tokyo ranks first by annual global office occupancy costs per workstation, with EUR16,420 per year. London’s West End district fell on the 5th position, with 15,350, while Paris ranks second, followed by Hong Kong and Dubai.

DTZ’s analysis of office occupancy costs is based on the space allocated to each office-based employee across 114 towns throughout 49 countries worldwide, at the end of 2008 compared with the same period a year before.

DTZ is a global real estate adviser with over 12,500 staff operating under the DTZ brand across 150 cities in 45 countries.

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