Germany's real,- Invests EUR21.5M In Hypermarket SE Romania

Hypermarket operator real,-, member of Germany's retail giant Metro Group, will open Thursday its second unit in the southeastern town of Constanta and its 21st on the local market, after a EUR21.5 million investment, the company said Wednesday.

8 afișări

"Through opening the new unit, the total investment of real,- in Constanta sets at around EUR35 million in the two hypermarkets, which created a total of over 650 jobs," the company said.

The hypermarket covers 12,385 square meters, and sells 40,000 food and non-food products.

The company opened six hyperamrkets in 2008 and plans to open other five in 2009.

Real,- Hypermarket Romania reported a turnover of 2.35 billion lei (EUR1= RON4.2348) in 2008, up 92% from RON1.22 billion in 2007.

Metro group equally operates on the local market through its Metro Cash&Carry network.

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