ALDE Will Not Support No-Confidence Motion, Has Not Set a Strategy

The MPs controlled by ruling coalition party ALDE will not support an opposition no-confidence motion against the Romanian Government next week, according to ALDE Senator Daniel Zamfir.


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ALDE Will Not Support No-Confidence Motion, Has Not Set a Strategy

Zamfir also told MEDIAFAX, however, that the party does not currently have a strategy for its MPs to vote against the motion or abstain from voting.

Their coalition partners, the Social Democrat Party (PSD), announced on Tuesday that its MPs will not vote in the no-confidence motion’s procedure, but will be present in the plenary to ensure that the quorum is met.

Romanian opposition parties filed a no-confidence motion against the Government on Wednesday, which will be debated and voted next Tuesday.

The motion needs at least 233 votes, or a simple majority, to pass, with the ruling coalition still currently controlling 241 seats. The leader of the main opposition party PNL, Ludovic Orban, said on Tuesday that the group was in talks with ruling coalition MPs to ensure support for the motion.

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