Enel Launches Natural Gas Supply Services For Residential Customers In Romania

Italian utility group Enel has entered the Romanian natural gas supply market for residential customers, who can opt for a single electricity and natural gas supplier, the company said in a statement Friday.

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Enel Launches Natural Gas Supply Services For Residential Customers In Romania

Customers are offered a fixed contract period of 24 months with a 30-day term of payment.

“Enel aims to become the favorite electric power and natural gas supplier of Romanians countrywide,” said Michele Grassi, general manager of Enel Energie and Enel Energie Muntenia.

Enel offer also includes Enel Asistenta Gaz and Enel Asistenta Gaz + services, providing assistance packages for natural gas installations and gas supply equipment through a network of specialized companies managed via the company’s partnership with Europ Assistance.


Enel has recently said it plans to invest EUR329 million to improve the quality of services provided in Romania, between 2017 and 2018. EUR151 million of the total amount will be invested in 2017 and EUR178 million will be invested in 2018.

Enel has invested EUR3 billion in Romania to date.

In Romania, Enel group has more than 3,100 employees and provides services to 2.8 million customers in three key areas of the country: Muntenia Sud (including Bucharest), Banat and Dobrogea, accounting for one third of Romania’s electricity distribution market.


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