EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Anticorruption Dept To Contact EP Regarding MEP Corruption Case

Romania's National Anticorruption Department (DNA) will take every legal step to clarify the case of MEP Adrian Severin, including contact with other institutions, such as the European Parliament, regarding his immunity.


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EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Anticorruption Dept To Contact EP Regarding MEP Corruption Case

In response to a query by MEDIAFAX, DNA said it has officially announced the Prosecutor General's Office and the Justice Ministry that it is looking into the alleged corruption of MEP Adrian Severin.

On March 21, DNA began investigating Severin, after Romanian and international media reported on his alleged involvement in a corruption case.

Three MEPs - Romania's Adrian Severin, Austria's Ernst Strasser and Zoran Thaler of Slovenia - were prepared "to sell their services" and support the adoption of several amendments in exchange for EUR100,000 offered by Britain's Sunday Times journalists, who posed as financial lobbyists, AFP reported .

Strasser and Thaler have resigned from the Parliament, but Severin has denied any wrongdoing and said he will not resign. He has been expelled from his party, the Romanian social democrats, and from the S&D group in the European Parliament.

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