Health Ministry: "Matei Balş" Institute is equipped with all the kits for diagnosing coronavirus

The National Institute of Infectious Diseases "Matei Balş" is equipped with all the necessary kits for the rapid diagnosis of coronavirus infections, in Romania no case of illness with this virus having been confirmed, the Health Ministry (HM) has announced on Thursday.


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Health Ministry: "Matei Balş" Institute is equipped with all the kits for diagnosing coronavirus

On Thursday, at the Health Ministry headquarters, a new meeting of the Inter-ministerial Committee has taken place, to monitor and manage potential infections with the new coronavirus.

The discussions were about the situation of the coronavirus infections worldwide.

"Specialists in infectious diseases and microbiology have explained that although the number of confirmed coronavirus infections is increasing because the diagnostic capacity has increased, mortality has fallen below 2%", according to HM.

In this context, the same measures established at airports are maintained, as well as for the sanitary units designated for taking over and treating any cases.

"In this moment, the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Matei Balş is equipped with all the necessary kits for the rapid diagnosis of infections of this type. At present, no cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in Romania", the source has been quoted as saying.

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