IRUM Reghin Unveils 100% Romanian Tractor TAGRO

Reghin-based IRUM plant on Tuesday launched the TAGRO tractor, following a total investment of over EUR6 million. It is the first 100% Romanian tractor produced after a 10-year break in the profile industry.


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IRUM Reghin Unveils 100% Romanian Tractor TAGRO

The TAGRO project was carried out at the Research and Development Center for Agricultural and Forestry Machines (IFOR), which operates in Reghin. The center was established by the group of firms Maviprod, within the IRUM factory, and entailed an investment of EUR2.65 million.

Some 50 Romanian engineers worked on the project.

The investment in materializing the TAGRO project also engulfed EUR4 million from IRUM’s shareholder, namely, the Maviprod group.

The tractor mainly targets small and medium-sized farms and will be sold both locally and abroad. Before launch, the tractor was tested in Romania and Italy.

Mass production will start in April 2019 and IRUM Reghin management expects to produce and sell 200 tractors during the first year, to overshoot the 300-tractor mark in 2020 and to reach 500 TAGRO tractors in 2021.

The IRUM plant was founded in 1953 for repair works on agricultural and forestry machines and mechanisms. In 1993, the Oltean Family established the Maviprod Group, which bought the majority stake in IRUM Reghin in 1996. In 2007, IRUM Reghin teamed up with Brasov-based Uzinele Tractorul to jointly manufacture a Romanian farm tractor, but the latter’s going bankrupt put an end to this project.

In 2010, IRUM Reghin started the production of farm tractors in partnership with Uzinele Belarus. IRUM Reghin currently sells 500 tractors annually on the Romanian market, which represents 20% on a market in which 2,500 new tractors are sold annually.

IRUM has some 500 employees. Maviprod group, which also includes IRUM, reported a turnover of EUR40 million in 2017.


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