JTI: Cigarette Sales In Romania Up 15-20% In 1H, As Smuggling Dropped

Cigarette sales in Romania increased 15-20% in the first half of this year, compared to the first half of last year, as tax evasion has decreased, said Gilda Lazar, corporate affairs manager with Japan Tobacco International Romania.


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JTI: Cigarette Sales In Romania Up 15-20% In 1H, As Smuggling Dropped

"When contraband reached 36% in 2009, legal cigarette sales went down accordingly but have picked up again," said Lazar.

Sorin Blejnar, head of tax authority ANAF, said Wednesday Cigarette smuggling to Romania has dropped to 12% in May 2011, from 36.2% in 2009, following the efforts of the Customs authority, Prosecutor's office, National Anticorruption Department, cigarette producers and the media.

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