Liberal Party Announces It Will File No-Confidence Motion This Week

The chairman of Romanian opposition party PNL, Ludovic Orban, announced on Tuesday that the group will file a no-confidence motion against the Romanian Government this week, with the exact day to be decided together with other opposition parties.


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Liberal Party Announces It Will File No-Confidence Motion This Week

“PNL considers that this Romanian Government is the worst in Romania’s history, and must be rapidly replaced with a government which has the capacity to exert the EU Council presidency in the best conditions (…) I have mandated leaders of the PNL parliamentary groups to finalize, together with our other opposition partners, the text of the motion and to file it this week,” said Ludovic Orban following a party executive committee meeting.

Leaders of Romanian opposition parties previously announced that they will file the motion this week.

The motion comes amid uncertainty on whether the ruling coalition still controls the country’s Lower Chamber, following the defection of several of its MPs in the past couple of weeks.

A previous no-confidence motion against the Viorica Dancila Government, in July, failed to gathered the necessary parliamentary support.


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