Marcel Vela: The extension of the state of emergency depends on us all

Interior minister Marcel Vela says that extending the state of emergency depends on the number of illnesses with COVID-19, but also on the attitude of the Romanians regarding the measures of personal hygiene and a correct estimation of the period cannot be announced.


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Marcel Vela: The extension of the state of emergency depends on us all

"There are pure individual, personal, estimative assessments, evaluations. Those who decide how urgent it will be, until there will be restrictions or not, we are all Romanians", said minister Marcel Vela, in Azuga, on Tuesday.

Also, Marcel Vela said that if the Romanians do not comply with the imposed rules, the restrictions will be maintained longer.

"If we do not obey these rules and the infection will be increasing and there will be more and more cases, obviously we will not be able to say the state of emergency is over", he added.

The state of emergency has been instituted by the president of Romania on March 16, a measure to be extended.

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