Parliament Committees Endorse Mugur Isarescu for New Term as Central Bk Governor

The Romanian parliament's budget-finance committees on Tuesday unanimously endorsed Mugur Isarescu for a new five-year term as central bank governor.


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Parliament Committees Endorse Mugur Isarescu for New Term as Central Bk Governor

Isarescu, 69, has been central bank governor since 1990 except for 11 months in 1999-2000 when he served as prime minister.

Parliament committees also endorsed Florin Georgescu for a new term as deputy governor at the central bank.

Leonardo Badea and Eugen Nicolaescu were endorsed as board members and deputy governor. Other endorsed board members were Csaba Balint, Gheorghe Gherghina, Cristian Popa, Dan-Radu Rusanu and Virgiliu-Jorj Stoenescu.

The Parliament votes Wednesday on the new central bank board which starts its term in October.

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