Prosecutors Announce Forest Human Remains in Caracal Case are from Different Victim

Romania’s National Forensic Medicine Institute confirmed on Wednesday that human remains found in a forest near Caracal belong to a different person than 15-year old Alexandra Macesanu, hinting to another possible victim of the criminal, according to a statement made by DIICOT.


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Prosecutors Announce Forest Human Remains in Caracal Case are from Different Victim

Forensic experts said that the remains belong a girl aged 15-19, which matches the profile of another suspected victim, 18-year old Luiza Melencu. Tests will continue to see if they match the missing girl’s profile.

The fragments were found in a spot pointed out by the suspect, Gheorghe Dinca, in a forest near Caracal, according to prosecutors from Romania’s top anti-organized crime agency DIICOT.

Investigators have been carrying out searches in the case for the past two weeks.

On August 3, DIICOT prosecutors announced that tests performed on bones found in an improvised burner in the suspect’s yard revealed the genetic profile of Alexandra Macesanu, who disappeared nearly three weeks ago after she was kidnapped by Dinca.

Gheorghe Dinca admitted to murdering both her and Luiza Melencu, who disappeared in the area in April, but offered conflicting accounts of how he disposed of the bodies, according to investigators.

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