Romanian Anticorruption Prosecutors Detain Former MP In RON32.6 Million Tax Evasion Case

Romanian anticorruption prosecutors have detained former lawmaker Stelian Martin in a case of tax evasion in which the damage to the state budget is estimated at RON32.6 million.


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Romanian Anticorruption Prosecutors Detain Former MP In RON32.6 Million Tax Evasion Case

Martin signed overpriced sanitation contracts with the City Hall of Constanta through his firm, Polaris M Holding. The firm received around EURO1 million per month for sanitation services, although the real expenses for the services were much lower.

The former lawmaker also signed contracts with nine other firms on various fictional expenses, which led to tax evasion. Prosecutors estimate the total damage to the state budget at RON32.6 million.


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