Romanian Hospitals Need To Comply With EU Standards By 1214

Romanian hospitals will have five years to comply with European standards after the coming into force of the Commission accrediting sanitary units, health minister Eugen Nicolaescu told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.


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Romanian Hospitals Need To Comply With EU Standards By 1214

"Most hospitals have really big problems and don’t comply with European standards. By this I mean the minimum required distance between hospital beds, circuits that don’t comply. But that’s why we plan to build eight regional hospitals at European standards and use the same rules to upgrade other units,” the minister added.

The government decided in May 2007 that works on 20 county emergency hospitals and eight regional hospitals were to start in October 2007, but procurement auctions took longer than expected and the procedures have only been completed this year, Nicolaescu said.

The minister also said that once the works start, they are expected to be completed in a year and a half, according to the plan approved by the government.

Starting 2009, when the law on the accreditation of hospitals becomes effective, all sanitary units have five years to fix their problems, or will be forced to close if unaccredited.

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