Romanian Labor Min Proposes Gross Minimum Wage Of RON700 Per Month In 2012

The Romanian Labor Ministry proposed that the gross minimum wage per month in 2012 be set at 700 lei (EUR161), according to a draft decision put forward Thursday by the institution.


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Romanian Labor Min Proposes Gross Minimum Wage Of RON700 Per Month In 2012

According to the draft act, the base salary may not be lower than the gross minimum wage, which means no public sector employee will receive less than RON700 monthly.

Employers who fail to observe this norm will be fined between RON1,000 and RON2,000.

Prime Minister Emil Boc told unions and employers Tuesday the Government is looking into raising the minimum wage from RON670 to RON700, and eliminating the income tax for people who earn RON700 - RON1,000.

According to the Government's calculations, exempting people with low incomes from

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