Romanian Transport Min Signs Concession Contract To Build Comarnic-Brasov Highway

Romanian Transport Minister Radu Berceanu, French construction group Vinci and Greek construction company Aktor signed Monday a 30-year concession contract to build the Comarnic-Brasov highway.


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Romanian Transport Min Signs Concession Contract To Build Comarnic-Brasov Highway

Construction on the Comarnic-Brasov highway is to be finished by January 2014 and will cost Romania EUR4.8 billion.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc, also present at the event, said the concession contract signed with the two construction companies is the biggest contract involving a partnership between the private and the public sectors Romania ever signed, and urged the Transport Ministry and local authorities to also resort to this type of partnership in other infrastructure projects such as the Bucharest belt-road.

Boc said partnerships between the public and the private sectors can also be used for projects in the health, environment or agriculture sectors.

Berceanu said the toll to use the Comarnic-Brasov highway will be EUR1 for each automobile, in the first year.

"We can't say how much the toll will be 26 years after the highway is ready for use," Berceanu said.

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