Senate Adopts Bill Establishing National History of the Holocaust Museum

The Romanian Senate adopted on Wednesday a bill which establishes a National Museum for the History of the Romanian Jewry and Holocaust in Bucharest.


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Senate Adopts Bill Establishing National History of the Holocaust Museum

Senators passed the initiative with 89 votes for and one abstention, following a positive a review from the chamber’s culture and media committee.

According to the bill, the institution will function within the remit of the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for Studying the Romanian Holocaust. Its purpose will be to “present and promote the history, culture and traditions of Jewish communities in Romania, protect the memory of victims of the Holocaust and fight anti-Semitism”.

The museum will exhibit pieces and documents gathered by the Elie Wiesel Institute and the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, as well as other relevant pieces received by transfer, donations or purchases. It will also receive some archive documents from the National Council for Studying the Archives of the Securitate, according to Jewish minority MP Silviu Vexler.

The bill will be sent to the Lower Chamber, which will vote on it as a deciding body.

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