Tătaru: We have 1.000 coronavirus tests available at Matei Balş and several hundred at other centers

"Matei Balş" Institute has about 1.000 tests for coronavirus and the other test centres in the country have several hundreds each, Nelu Tătaru, state secretary in the Health Ministry said.


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Tătaru: We have 1.000 coronavirus tests available at Matei Balş and several hundred at other centers

"In Romania there are currently six confirmed cases of coronavirus. Romania has six centers where you can be admitted with coronavirus. 576 tests have been performed so far. One of the six positive patients is healthy and is now at home", Nelu Tătaru said.

He also said that the health of the 38-year-old woman, who was found positive, is good, and eight people amongst her contacts have been tested and will most likely go out of isolation.

"The 16-year-old boy is in hospital, with no symptoms. His schoolmate came to the emergency unit and will be tested", said Tătaru.

He added that, in Timişoara, there are currently 23 persons being tested.

Tătaru also gave details about the 71-year-old man, found positive on Wednesday, and who is currently hospitalized in Suceava.

“In Suceava, the 71-year-old man was admitted, had no fever. The man came to the country on February 28 and had previously been to Italy, near Brescia, where he was treated for a disease (a chronic illness). On 3 March, he started having fever", Tătaru explained.

“In Cluj, the hospitalized person, the man from Maramureş, is in a state of improvement. Also in Cluj, there are two tests in work", he concluded.

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