Autodoc also sees profitable growth in 2019 and continues its expansion course in Europe

Autodoc also sees profitable growth in 2019 and continues its expansion course in Europe

Autodoc, Europe's leading online dealer in the automotive aftermarket, also grew profitably in the fiscal year 2019, thus continuing its consistent success story that began in its founding year of 2008. The company was able to significantly increase its sales and turnover of automotive spare parts, consumables and accessories on the internet. Net sales increased by 48% year-on-year to EUR615.0m (2018: EUR415m). As a result, Autodoc achieved its own sales target of over EUR600m. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 50% to EUR44.6m (2018: EUR29.7m). The return on sales improved slightly to 5.0% (2018: 4.8%).


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