Biomay Cooperates with BioNTech to Supply DNA Template for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

Biomay Cooperates with BioNTech to Supply DNA Template for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

Biomay, a Vienna based biotech manufacturer, today announced their partnership with BioNTech SE to support the supply chain for manufacturing of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Biomay is one of the manufacturers supplying BioNTech with the DNA template for the in-vitro transcription of their mRNA active ingredient. The manufacturing agreement was initiated during the clinical development phase of the vaccine in Q1/2020. In the meantime, Biomay has become a formally qualified supplier for BioNTech. The scope of services includes process and analytical development, followed by GMP preparation of the cell bank, manufacturing of circular DNA plasmid and finally preparation of the linear DNA template.


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