New service for the media: EUrVOTE

New service for the media: with EUrVOTE, the European Parliament makes available infor-mation packages about the European elections

From May 23 to 26, some 400 million people in 27 EU member countries can take an active part in shaping the future of the European Union and cast their votes in the European elections. On assignment from the European Parliament, the dpa subsidiary news aktuell, under the press portal URL, in the weeks ahead will be making information packages for use by the media available free of charge. The spot news, background reports and interactive graphics were produced by dpa-Custom Content and can be used by the me-dia for their news coverage.

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Preluarea fără cost a materialelor de presă (text, foto si/sau video), purtătoare de drepturi de proprietate intelectuală, este aprobată de către doar în limita a 250 de semne. Spaţiile şi URL-ul/hyperlink-ul nu sunt luate în considerare în numerotarea semnelor. Preluarea de informaţii poate fi făcută numai în acord cu termenii agreaţi şi menţionaţi aici