Development Minister: Administration Code Will Be Passed by Decree or Government Liability

Romania's Regional Development Minister Daniel Suciu said on Friday, during a meeting with mayors in Dolj county, that a new proposed Administration Code will be adopted either by emergency decree or government liability in the near future.

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Development Minister: Administration Code Will Be Passed by Decree or Government Liability

The act was initially passed by the Parliament in 2018, before being rejected by the Constitutional Court.

“I will tell you directly that we will not repeat past mistakes of relying on the good faith of other parties or of the president, and the Government will solve his problem and we will pass the Administration Code by emergency decree (…) This administration code will either pass by decree or by the government assuming liability if it is the case, but we will pass it,” the minister said during the meeting.


Romania’s Constitutional Court admitted in November 2018 a challenge made by President Klaus Iohannis against the Administration Code bill passed by the Parliament. In the challenge, the president argued that the introduction of special pensions and the use of minority languages in local administration are unconstitutional.

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