EU Parliament Approves Resolution Requesting Schengen Accession For Romania And Bulgaria

The European Parliament approved on Tuesday, with a large majority, a resolution which requests the immediate accession of Romania and Bulgarian to the Schengen Area.

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EU Parliament Approves Resolution Requesting Schengen Accession For Romania And Bulgaria

The resolution was based on a report conducted by Bulgarian MEP Sergei Stanishev, who is also the leader of the Party of European Socialists.

“The countries have already met accession conditions. The Commission said this, experts said this (…) The Council (EU Council, ed.) simply does not know what to say anymore. In the past five years, the Council violated European rules through its failure to pass a decision regarding the admission of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen Area,” the European official said during a debate on Monday evening.


The report also adds that an eventual partial inclusion of the countries into the Schengen Area would “lack a legal justification” and could have negative social and economic effects for Romania and Bulgaria.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, whose country opposes the extension of the Schengen Area to include Romania and Bulgaria, said in September that his country's stance on the matter concerns issues with corruption and the rule of law in the two countries.

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