PM Tudose: We Will Take Final Decisions On Reshuffle Thursday, At The National Executive Committee

Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose said Tuesday after his discussions with social democrat leader Liviu Dragnea that the social democrats will take final decision regarding government reshuffle at the party’s National Executive Committee on Thursday.

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PM Tudose: We Will Take Final Decisions On Reshuffle Thursday, At The National Executive Committee

The prime minister added that talks during the Committee will also focus on the relations between the government and the party so as to clarify the level of involvement of party structures in the government’s activity.

Tudose’s statements come after he announced Monday evening at a private television station that he will replace ministers who are ill-perceived by the public opinion or, in some cases, by the European Commission.

Transport minister Razvan Cuc and SMEs minister Ilan Laufer are among ministers facing a reshuffle, political sources told Mediafax.


Anticorruption prosecutors demanded in September an investigation into minister in charge of EU funds Rovana Plumb, suspected of abuse of office in a land-transfer case. Deputy prime minister and regional development minister Sevil Shhaideh is being investigated in the same case.

Earlier this month, the Senate rejected a request by anticorruption prosecutors to lift the parliamentary immunity of Viorel Ilie, minister for liaison with Parliament. Prosecutors accuse Ilie of rigging a job contest at his institution through instigation to repeated use of non-public information or allowing unauthorized access to such information.

Education minister Liviu Pop has been facing criticism in the media regarding his activity and health minister Florian Bodog is accused of plagiarism.

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