Romania Closes Entire Airspace As Volcanic Ash Cloud Approaches

Romania’s Government has decided to close the country’s entire airspace as of Saturday 6 p.m. (local time), until at least Sunday 12 p.m., because of the approaching plume of volcanic ash from Iceland.

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Romania Closes Entire Airspace As Volcanic Ash Cloud Approaches

According to the Government's committee for emergency situations, the cloud will cover Romania's entire territory by 9 p.m. today from an altitude of 6,000-10,000 meters. At least until Sunday 9 p.m., there is no risk of the ash covering the ground or contaminating the air.

This forecast will be updated Sunday 9 p.m.

"If other states in Western Europe become polluted, there is a possibility that the polluted air could reach Romania," Prime Minister Emil Boc said.

Authorities have not recommended any special protection measures, as the cloud does not yet pose a risk to public health.


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