Romanian Supreme Court Lifts All Bans For MEP Gigi Becali

The nine-judge panel with Romania’s Supreme Court ruled Friday to lift all bans for Romanian MEP George Becali, investigated on kidnapping charges.

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Romanian Supreme Court Lifts All Bans For MEP Gigi Becali

The ruling is final and binding.

A lower court decision had banned Becali, who was released on parole after spending nearly three weeks in jail, from carrying weapons or contacting any other people involved in the investigation that targets him.

Becali was arrested early April and charged with deprivation of freedom after he allegedly told his bodyguards to find and bring him the three men who had stolen his car. The three were caught and taken to a location owned by Becali, where they were allegedly held and harmed for several hours.


Becali was released on parole later that month to run for a seat in the European Parliament, which he obtained, and investigations in the kidnapping case are ongoing.

Meanwhile, the three alleged car thieves have been indicted, and Becali has joined the race for the presidential elections set for November 22.

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