Ruling Party Leader Requests Postponement Of Five-Judge Panel Reselection

Social Democrat Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea sent a request to the country’s Supreme Court on Friday to delay the scheduled redraw of its five-judge panels, including one which is judging his prison sentence appeal, judicial sources told MEDIAFAX.

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Ruling Party Leader Requests Postponement Of Five-Judge Panel Reselection

In the request, Dragnea asked for the suspension of the reselection process and the anullment of the decision to hold the draw on Friday. However, the court went ahead with the planned draw, selecting new judges for the case in which Dragnea was initially sentenced to three and a half years in prison.

The panel, which will handle appeals in the Dragnea case, but also in cases involving fugitive businessman Sebastian Ghita, former Prime Minister Victor Ponta and current Government secretary-general Toni Grebla, will contain the following judges: Rodica Cosma, Valentin Horia Selaru, Simona Cristina Nenita, Francisca Maria Vasila and Ioana Alina Ilie.


Romania’s Constitutional Court announced on Wednesday that the country’s Supreme Court will have to immediately comply with new regulations on the formation of its five judge panels, after it found a judicial conflict between the institution and the Parliament on the matter.

Following the decision, the court was forced to immediately start the procedure to reselect its current five judge panels, with all members to be assigned exclusively by drawing lots. The decision is final and mandatory.

Constitutional judges ruled that the formation of five-judge panels is currently subject to a judicial conflict of constitutional nature between the Parliament and the country’s Supreme Court, regarding new regulations on the matter.

They decided that the court’s decision to not apply new regulations in selecting five judge panels until next year was in conflict with the authority of the Parliament as a lawmaking body.


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