Pressure mounts on FM to resign, Liberals pledge support

Social Democrats and the Democratic Party stepped up calls for Foreign Minister Adrian Cioroianu to resign over his recent statement that “criminals should be deported in the desert.” An EC spokesman denies that Brussels wants Cioroianu to quit, but underlined that this doesn’t mean Barroso accepts such comments about the Roma community.

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Foreign Minister Adrian Cioroianu admitted yesterday that his statement referring to expelling criminals in the desert was “uninspired,” but made another comment which was immediately blasted by several politicians as a new sign of the minister’s incompetence. Cioroianu said that deporting criminals in the desert is “not the solution,” but underlined that this “will not happen too soon.” “Maybe I should have been more careful when I said that but I maintain my opinion that it’s not Romania’s consuls and diplomats that create problems abroad, but the people who are on bad terms with the law. Of course the solution is not sending them to the desert, this is very clear and it won’t happen too son,” said Cioroianu.

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