Visa for Moldovans: The solution is with Chisinau

Adrian Cioroianu told the Senators of the Foreign Policy Committee that both the relation NATO – Russia and the Kosovo file are two important issues for the Romanian diplomacy.

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Foreign Minister Adrian Cioroianu went yesterday to the Foreign Policy and Defence Commission of the Senate to inform the MPs about Romania’s stand over the withdrawal of Russia from the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty. Cioroianu also took the opportunity to tell the Senators about the latest developments in the relation with the Republic of Moldova, following Vladimir Voronin’s recent statements and about the Kosovo file as well.
The foreign minister said that the solution for the problem of the visas for the citizens from the Republic of Moldova is with the Moldovan authorities, which should accept the opening of the two new consulates of Romania at Balti and Cahul. He said he wrote to his Moldovan counterpart to assure him of  the good intentions of Romania. Cioroianu explained that the opening of the two consulates is the only solution to facilitate the granting of the visas.

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