Association: Pork Prices In Romania To Rise 15-30% Starting April

Pork prices in Romania will rise, on average, by 15-30%, starting April, mainly due to an increase in pork exports to Asian countries, mainly to China, Japan and Hong Kong, in 2016, the Romanian Meat Association (ARC) said in a statement on Monday.


Imaginea articolului Association: Pork Prices In Romania To Rise 15-30% Starting April

Association: Pork Prices In Romania To Rise 15-30% Starting April (Imagine Octav Ganea / Mediafax Foto)

„Compared with the last two years, in the first quarter of 2017, the average acquisition price for pig carcass was 26% higher than in 2016 and 12% higher than in 2015,” the statement also reads.

„According to data released by the European Commission in March 2017, within the Economic Council of the Meat Market Observatory, the increase in pork prices is expected to follow an upward trend until the second half of 2017, when stagnation is expected,” according to the statement.

The month of January 2017 saw a 20% year-on-year increase in exports, with China holding the top spot, being followed by Hong Kong and South Korea.


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