Dent Estet Turnover Up 20% To EUR6.8M In 2016

Dental clinic chain Dent Estet reported a turnover of EUR6.8 million in 2016, up 20% on the year, due to the increase of the number of patients and the requests for complex treatments, dental prosthesis and implantology.


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Dent Estet Turnover Up 20% To EUR6.8M In 2016

The number of patients rose 10% last year, to over 8,400 new patients, of which 3,000 were children and teenagers.

Dent Estet revenues were also generated by the growth of dental prosthesis and implantology divisions, which currently hold a 75% share in the adult clinics’ turnover.

Established in 1999, DentEstet chain has seven clinics in Bucharest and one in Timisoara.


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