Former Prime Minister: We Will Try To Amnesty And Pardoning Decree In Court

Former Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos announced on Tuesday that his political platform, Romania 100 PLUS, will file a request at the Bucharest Appeal Court to suspend all Government administrative acts, which could lead to the impossibility of passing a decree regarding amnesty and pardoning.


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Former Prime Minister: We Will Try To Amnesty And Pardoning Decree In Court

During a conference on the establishment of the platform’s political party, The Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS), Ciolos announced that the request will plead for the suspension of any administrative acts which might modify the country’s criminal codes, which could also have the effect of blocking a possible amnesty and pardoning decree.

“There is this possibility for the Appeal Court to suspend any administrative act which might be drafted by the Government, by the Justice Ministry or other ministries, administrative acts which precede emergency decrees. Once those administrative acts are suspended, an emergency decree could not be passed,” said the former minister.

“We consider that if the Bucharest Appeal Court reaches this conclusion, it could take this decision based on the arguments we provided. The faster the better, it should suspend these government administrative acts and in this way stop an emergency decree on amnesty and pardoning which would go beyond what the Parliament would decide in this regard,” he added.

Several high-ranked members of the country’s ruling coalitions, including Social Democrat Party Chairman Liviu Dragnea, have requested the Government to pass a decree on amnesty and pardoning, citing alleged judicial abuses committed in the past couple of years as a reason.

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