Former USR Chairman Temporarily Rejoins Party to Sign Alliance with PLUS

The former chairman of Romanian opposition party USR, Nicusor Dan, announced on Friday that he temporarily rejoined the party in order to sign the protocol for the group’s alliance with PLUS, which was rejected by the Central Electoral Bureau because the two party’s chairmen were not registered in t


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Former USR Chairman Temporarily Rejoins Party to Sign Alliance with PLUS

Nicusor Dan announced that he will resign from the party again after “formalities will be dealt with it”.

“There was this problem, the risk that an alliance which some people want to vote could not run. The only solution was for me to co-sign (the alliance protocol, ed.). I don’t know if it is too late, but that was the only alternative. To sign I needed to become a party member, because otherwise it would be forgery,” Dan told MEDIAFAX.

Nicusor Dan formed the party in 2016, as a national extension of his local Bucharest party, but resigned in June 2017.

Romania’s Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) rejected on Thursday the request register an alliance between current opposition party USR and the group recently formed by former PM Dacian Ciolos, PLUS, for the upcoming elections, according a statement issued by the latter.

BEC rejected to register the alliance because the two parties did not have their respective chairmen figured in the country’s Political Parties’ Registry, according to the document.

The parties announced that they will challenge the decision at the country’s Supreme Court, adding that USR and PLUS will support each other in the upcoming electoral campaigns even if they are not allowed to run as an alliance.

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