Hospitals could be equipped with rooms from where the coronavirus does not spread

Hospitals in Romania may soon be equipped with rooms with negative pressure, in which coronavirus cannot spread.


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Hospitals could be equipped with rooms from where the coronavirus does not spread

The Ministry of Defence has contributed to the production of a prototype room in which infected patients can be kept without fear of spreading COVID-19.

Prime minister Ludovic Orban has announced, at the beginning of the government meeting, that the Ministry of Defence has contributed to the production of a prototype negative pressure chamber that will be used in hospitals.

"I understood, minister Ciucă, that the tests are near the end and that they can enter production with negative pressure chambers. (...) The rooms with negative pressure are enclosures in which inside the hospital rooms can be isolated persons who are infected with COVID and can be kept together. Some negative pressure chambers from which the air does not come out practically and there is no danger of the virus spreading", said Orban.

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