No-Confidence Motion Against Government Read Before Parliament

The no-confidence motion filed by opposition parties against the Viorica Dancila Government had its first reading before the combined chambers of the Parliament on Monday, with a debate and final vote to take place on Thursday.


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No-Confidence Motion Against Government Read Before Parliament

The motion was read by Liberal Party MP Pavel Popescu, around 16.00 local time. The debate and vote are scheduled for Thursday, starting with 10.00 local time.

Romanian parliamentary opposition parties filed on Friday a no-confidence motion against the Government, with the signatures of 163 MPs. The debate and vote of the motion will take place next week.

Opposition parties PNL, USR and PMP filed the motion, titled “No More! The Dragnea-Dancila Government, Romania’s shame,” in which it criticizes the government for its recent judicial bills, but also for not respecting its own government program.

The opposition accuses the ruling PSD-ALDE coalition Government of endangering judicial independence through recent amendments, of delaying all of its commitments in the government program until after 2021 and that it changed its composition multiple times due to incompetency.

The leaders of the parties behind the motion announced last week that they will file the motion on Friday, so that its debate would span most of this week.

According to Romanian law, one no-confidence motion can be filed per parliamentary session. A previous no-confidence motion against the Viorica Dancila Government failed to gain the necessary support in July.

To pass, the motion will need to gain the vote of 233 MPs from both chambers of the Parliament.



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