President Challenges Bill Prohibiting Referendum During MEP Elections At Constitutional Court

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis challenged at the Constitutional Court on Thursday a bill which prohibits the organization of a referendum at the same time with MEP elections.


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President Challenges Bill Prohibiting Referendum During MEP Elections At Constitutional Court

According to the Presidential Administration, the bill was passed by the Parliament in December 2018 and sent to the president for enactment.

The Romanian head of state argues that the interdiction is unconstitutional, as several other attempts to make MEP elections incompatible with referendums were rejected by the constitutional authority.

He points towards a 2007 Constitutional Court decision which states that a national referendum can be set “at any date during the year”, if legal requirements are met. The president also suggests that court decision from 2017 and 2018 show that an interdiction would contradict the Constitution.

MEP elections for the 2019-2024 European Parliament are scheduled to take place on May 26 in Romania.

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