Prison Workers Unions Request Better Work Conditions In Bucharest Protest

Several hundred members of prison workers unions organized a protest at the headquarters of Romania’s interior and justice ministries in Bucharest on Thursday morning, demanding pay raises and better work conditions.


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Prison Workers Unions Request Better Work Conditions In Bucharest Protest

More than 250 union members representing prison workers, but also police employees and military reservists, took part in the demonstration.

The protest will continue in front of the Parliament on Friday, according to National Penitentiary Administration (ANP) workers’ union FSANP.

Union leaders announced that the protests were meant to coincide with the informal reunion of the EU’s Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) council.

“The salaries of workers in the defense, public order and national security sectors were frozen through emergency decrees which repeatedly blocked provisions from the law regulating the payrolls of workers paid from state funds,” the unions said in a statement issued on Thursday.

The protesters also requested the abolition of a 2017 Government decree which reduced military pensions and de facto eliminated several rights gained at retirement.

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