Romania Fmr Liberal Labor Min Mariana Campeanu Elected Lawmaker

Liberal Mariana Campeanu, a former labor minister, won the by-election held Sunday in a constituency in Hunedoara county, western Romania, for a lawmaker seat in the Chamber of deputies, the local electoral office said Monday.


Imaginea articolului Romania Fmr Liberal Labor Min Mariana Campeanu Elected Lawmaker

Romania Fmr Liberal Labor Min Mariana Campeanu Elected Lawmaker

Campeanu garnered 8,738 of the 25,069 valid ballots cast Sunday.

She was followed by democrat liberal Daniel Raducanu with 7,339 votes, the candidate of the Social Democratic and Conservative parties Liliana Tolas with 5,218 votes and independent Nicolae Timis with 2,683 votes. Four other candidates garnered less than 500 votes each.

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