Romania To Increase Excise Duties On Fuels, Tobacco In 2011

Romania's excises on fuels and tobacco will be raised as of January 1, 2011, which could lead to new increases in the price of such products, according to a draft emergency ordinance amending the Fiscal Code.


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Romania To Increase Excise Duties On Fuels, Tobacco In 2011

The excise on unleaded petrol will be raised to EUR467 per thousand liters, from EUR452, as of January 1. The excise on diesel will be raised to EUR358 per thousand liters, from EUR347.

According to the appendix to the draft ordinance, the excise on tobacco will be raised to EUR76.6 per 1000 cigarettes, from EUR74 in 2010.

Excise duties on alcoholic beverages and coffee will remain the same.

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