Romania Tourism Revenue Down 10% In Summer '11, Despite Activity Hike

Corina Martin, head of the Romanian Tourism Agency Association and of the "Litoral-Delta Dunarii" Association, said Thursday that hotel revenues were 10% lower this summer compared to last year, despite a slight increase in the number of tourists.


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Romania Tourism Revenue Down 10% In Summer '11, Despite Activity Hike

She explained that tourists preferred shorter holidays, booked through special promotional offers.

Tour agencies were severely affected by a slump in the first part of the summer, when revenues were even 40% lower than last year. Starting in the middle of the season, revenue began growing and the summer ended with four sold-out weekends, which nevertheless failed to compensate for the earlier decline, said Martin.

Four- and five-star hotels were especially popular, while two- and three-star hotels posted lower revenue compared to previous years.

Martin estimates that around 5%, or 100,000, of the tourists on the Romanian seaside this season were foreign.

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