Romanian Fmr Minister Dan Ioan Popescu Spent RON4M From Illegally Obtained Income - Court

Romania's High Court of Justice ordered the seizure of more than 4 million lei (about EUR933,000) from the wealth of former minister Dan Ioan Popescu and his wife, as the sum the two spent derives from income obtained illegally, according to the Court’s motivation.


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Romanian Fmr Minister Dan Ioan Popescu Spent RON4M From Illegally Obtained Income - Court

On July 14, the High Court of Justice ruled that the former minister and his wife spent an unexplained sum of more than RON4 million.

They have been ordered to transfer this amount to the state budget within 30 days of the ruling becoming final, as well as RON17,935 in court expenses.

Popescu and his wife had 30 days to appeal the decision with a higher court.

Popescu told MEDIAFAX at that time he would challenge the Court's ruling.


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