Romanian MPs Draft Bill Forcing Supermarkets To Designate Areas For Traditional Romanian Products

Two Romanian lawmakers have submitted a bill in Parliament that would force supermarkets to have special designated areas for traditional Romanian products, in a bid to support the local economy.


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Romanian MPs Draft Bill Forcing Supermarkets To Designate Areas For Traditional Romanian Products

Liberal MP Horea Uioreanu and democrat liberal MP Mircia Giurgiu submitted a bill forcing supermarkets to assign at least 10% of their display space to traditional Romanian food and non-food products.

Uioreanu told a news conference Sunday he discussed the bill with Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara, who supported the idea.

The bill also stipulates fines of 5,000 to 10,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2649) for non-observance.

"I expect supermarkets will try to resist this measure but we're not interested in supporting the consumption of tomatoes from South Africa and garlic from China over our own traditional products," Uioreanu said.

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