Romanian PM Says Health Minister Nomination To Be Made On Time

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday there are no tensions in the ruling coalition concerning the appointment of a new health minister.


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Romanian PM Says Health Minister Nomination To Be Made On Time

A nomination for the position will be made in due time, said Boc before a meeting of the ruling Democratic Liberal Party's Standing Office.

The prime minister refused to address the issue concerning the transfer of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) under the authority of the Health Ministry.

Democrat liberal vice-president Roberta Anastase told MEDIAFAX Wednesday the ruling coalition has taken no decision regarding the transfer and is currently analyzing the matter.

Last Monday, Boc said the ruling coalition discussed the need to find a new health minister and hoped a nomination for the position would be made by August 19.

Health Minister Attila Cseke resigned on August 4, displeased with the funds the ministry was allotted at this year's first budget revision.

On July 13, Cseke told MEDIAFAX the ministry needed extra 4 billion lei (about EUR937 million). He said the National Health Insurance House faced the biggest financial problems and needed three quarters of the sum the ministry would ask for.

Cseke said at that time the ministry's budget needed extra RON960 million (or 25% of the sum demanded), of which RON100 million were for investments and the remainder to ensure free and discounted medicine within national healthcare programs.

The budget revision allotted only RON341 million to the Health Insurance House, through the ministry, to pay arrears and RON1.7 billion in commitment appropriations for free and discounted medicine.


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