Autopsy Confirms Romanian Singer Madalina Manole Committed Suicide

Medical examiners have concluded the autopsy of Romanian singer Madalina Manole, found dead Wednesday morning in her home, and ruled the death suicide, people close to the investigation told MEDIAFAX.


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Autopsy Confirms Romanian Singer Madalina Manole Committed Suicide

Examiners said the singer did not suffer from any serious illness such as cancer.

"There is nothing to raise suspicion that this was not a suicide. Madalina Manole didn't suffer from any painful illness, such as cancer," they said, adding the injury to her head was caused by her fall.

Investigators said the singer drank a very toxic pesticide and toxicology reports are expected in two to three weeks. She also left a farewell text message on her mobile phone.

Manole, who made her debut on the Romanian pop music scene at 15 and had record sales in the 1990s, was found dead in her home Wednesday morning, on the day she would have turned 43.

She was admitted to an emergency hospital three weeks ago, following a suicide attempt.

She is survived by her husband, Mircea Petru, and their one year-old son.

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