Progress In Fighting Top Level Corruption Remains Romania’s Main Challenge - EC

Substantial progress in the fight against high level corruption, including in cases involving MPs and acting and former members of government, remains Romania's main challenge in delivering upon its obligations to the EU taken at the time of accession, a spokesman of the European Commission told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.


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Progress In Fighting Top Level Corruption Remains Romania’s Main Challenge - EC

“The Commission has never commented on individual cases,” he said when asked to comment on the Romanian parliament’s decision earlier Wednesday to halt bribery investigations on former prime minister Adrian Nastase and former transport minister Miron Mitrea.

"That being said, the Commission's general position has been made very clear in our report of 23 July: substantial progress in the fight against high level corruption - including in cases involving MPs and acting and former members of government -remains Romania's main challenge in delivering upon its obligations to the European Union taken at the time of accession," he added.

“The Commission will assess the progress made in this context in its next report on the situation in Romania," the European official concluded.

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