Romania’s Democrat Liberal Leader To Resign Unless Party Makes Future Govt

Romania’s Democratic Liberal Party leader Emil Boc told a news conference Tuesday he will resign after general elections unless the future government includes democrat liberals.


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Romania’s Democrat Liberal Leader To Resign Unless Party Makes Future Govt

"If I, as leader of the Democratic Liberal Party, fail to include the party in the future government, I will resign the second a democrat liberal-free government is formed,” Boc said.

He added his main goal is to remain the mayor of Cluj-Napoca, northwestern Romania, not to become prime minister.

Democrat liberal sources told MEDIAFAX Monday that Boc is among people considered for the position of prime minister if the party wins general elections this fall.

"I am the elected mayor of Cluj-Napoca. Moreover, the party decided no local elect is to run in the general elections," Boc said, adding his main goal as party leader is to ensure the party will be part of the future government.

"If I, as leader of the Democratic Liberal Party, fail to include the party in the future government, I will resign the second a democrat liberal-free government is formed,” Boc said.

He added his main goal is to remain the mayor of Cluj-Napoca, northwestern Romania, not to become prime minister.

Democrat liberal sources told MEDIAFAX Monday that Boc is among people considered for the position of prime minister if the party wins general elections this fall.

"I am the elected mayor of Cluj-Napoca. Moreover, the party decided no local elect is to run in the general elections," Boc said, adding his main goal as party leader is to ensure the party will be part of the future government.

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