Romania’s OMV Petrom Hikes Diesel Oil Pump Prices By RON0.06/Liter

Romania’s largest oil company OMV Petrom (SNP.RO), owned by Austria's OMV, Friday raised its diesel oil pump prices by 0.06 lei (EUR1=RON4.2609) per liter, keeping its gasoline prices unchanged.


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Romania’s OMV Petrom Hikes Diesel Oil Pump Prices By RON0.06/Liter

Thus, as of Friday, the four types of diesel oil sold in Petrom's filling stations have prices of between RON4.78 and RON5.38 per liter.

Petrom kept its gasoline prices unchanged, ranging between RON4.9 and RON5.7 per unit.

Romania's second-largest oil group Rompetrol, owned by Kazakhstan's KazMunayGas, sells its fuels at prices between RON5.04 and RON5.72 per liter, while Lukoil has pump prices ranging between RON4.91 and RON5.47/liter.

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