Romanian Liberals, Democrats To Resume Collaboration If Latter Escape President’s Directing-PM

Romanian liberals will resume collaboration with the democrats when the latter are no longer under the “occult directing” of President Traian Basescu and under the leadership of a “lame yes man” such as Emil Boc, Premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu, leader of the National Liberal Party, or PNL, said Monday.


Imaginea articolului Romanian Liberals, Democrats To Resume Collaboration If Latter Escape President’s Directing-PM

Romanian Liberals, Democrats To Resume Collaboration If Latter Escapes President’s Directing-PM

“PD (the Democratic Party – e.n.) left a bad taste in my mouth, as the relation started well, but later I realized it was essentially affected by the relation PD-President,” Tariceanu said in an interview for Romanian daily "Cotidianul."

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